June 22, 2017
With the state’s recent wet weather, Nebraska Extension and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality are reminding producers and landowners to be vigilant in monitoring lagoon and runoff holding pond levels.
Many areas of Nebraska have experienced higher-than-normal precipitation recently, with some areas receiving rainfall that far exceeded a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. This abnormally wet weather pattern has caused drainage and flooding issues in some parts of the state.
Extension and the NDEQ have partnered to issue recommended practices for emergency management of runoff holding ponds during this period of unusually wet weather. Notable recommendations include:
• Do not allow your holding pond to overflow
• Utilize land with the least possible slope to minimize runoff potential from effluent application.
• Operate irrigation equipment at a minimal application rate to minimize runoff potential.
• Use greater separation distances between application areas and waterbodies than what is dictated by regulation.
• Keep complete detailed records of precipitation, storage basin management and land applications.
Go online for a complete list of recommendations.
If you need assistance determining how best to manage specific wet weather conditions on your farm, contact an NDEQ field inspector.
Source: IANR News
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