December 18, 2020
No handshakes, hugs or physical contact, and put on the mask. Don’t get into a crowded area, stay at home and be safe.
Wash your hands, stop touching your face, and remember that gloves are your friend. This will all keep you healthy. Or maybe not.
The greatest punishment for incarcerated people is solitary confinement. This is deemed the harshest treatment for all people — to be shut out of physical contact with others, left alone. It is not good for man to be alone, words God spoke during creation.
We are social beings. Interaction with others helps us understand how much we need acceptance. Friendships bind us together, allowing trust to grow into strong relationships. Common interests birth creative ideas through dialogue exchange. We enjoy seeing others’ reactions, as well as our own, during a meeting.
Our physical presence can’t be replaced by electronic gadgets. Physical touch, body language, and visual and verbal interaction are all bonded together by time.
A word spoken into a mind that touches the foundation of thought needs personal affection attached. Long-distance love fails. Hence, the Lord wants to enter into us and become intimate in relationship. This close presence produces confidence of correct standing.
Now, we walk in authority pleasing our creator living inside us. Evil wants to divide and conquer.
Jesus is our peace, prayer is our tool, fear forgotten, life eternal. Now, physical pain and physical death are coming; no mystery there. But our spiritual health trumps physical health.
We often focus on the problems instead of the solutions, the temporary instead of the eternal.
Let us pray: Lord fill me with your supernatural joy, transform my mind into eternal thinking. Let us walk through the scientific world with Holy Spirit awareness that supersedes our fears. You are our source, strength, stamina. To you be all glory.
Brown is a Region 8 field man for Fellowship of Christian Farmers International.
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