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FFA Corner: No matter where you find your home in the ag industry, country roads will always take you home to wherever you belong.

January 24, 2025

2 Min Read
Silhouette of a barn with lights on during the night
HOME AGAIN: Find the road that is right for you in agriculture and know that it will always lead you home. You will always find a sense of belonging. I realized that I belonged in agriculture right here in my family’s cattle barn. Stephanie Berenda

By Stephanie Berenda

One of my fondest memories as a child was singing along to the radio in my family’s barn with my brothers. Whether we were rinsing steers, bedding cows or hanging out together, the radio was always on. A song that I still remember playing often is “Country Roads Take Me Home” by John Denver. This song has a special place in my heart, as the lyrics are beautifully written.

To quote Denver, “Country roads, take me home, to the place I belong.” Even at a young age, I knew I belonged in agriculture.

My experiences growing up on the family farm taught me multiple principles: hard work, discipline, integrity and the importance of family. The most paramount lesson I learned from the farm is how to contribute to something that is bigger than myself.

Understanding responsibility

This time of year is my favorite, as it is calving season. My family has about 30 head of beef cattle. During calving season, it is crucial that every calf has the best chance at life. This often means waking up in the middle of the night to check on our cows as they approach their due date. When I was younger, I can honestly admit that I was guilty of hitting the snooze button more than I should have.

Most of the time, the cow can calve by herself without any problems. The thoughts of “the cow is still two days away from her due date, so there is no way she is calving” or “I am too tired to get up” often ran through my mind as I hit the snooze button.

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But the “what if?” scenarios also filled my mind. What if the cow is calving? What if she needs help? What if we lose the calf and it is my fault?

These hypothetical questions sparked my realization of the responsibility that I have on the family farm. These cattle need me. The life of a baby and a mother depend upon me. This sense of responsibility brings me the feeling of belonging.

New sense of belonging

My travels as a state officer have taken me across Indiana and broadened my understanding of the world. I have learned more about the agricultural industry and those industries impacted by agriculture. And I have continued to expand my responsibilities and deepen my sense of belonging.

Although I am not completely sure what my future holds, I am certain of one thing: I belong in agriculture. Agriculture is an industry that affects the entire world. Agriculturists are the ones who devote their lives to a cause greater than themselves. It is an industry like no other.

I know that whatever road I choose to take after my term as a state officer, that road will take me home. That road will keep me in agriculture. After all, that is where I belong.

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