March 8, 2011
WeatherBill, which began offering drought and frost insurance across the U.S. in 2009, has expanded its programs for 2011 to include all major weather risks from planting through harvest. The insurance package, called Total Weather Insurance, is available through crop insurance agents, as well as through ADM Crop Risk Services as a supplement to its crop insurance.
According to WeatherBill, Total Weather Insurance is designed to address exposure to financial loss even when growers fully use federal crop insurance programs. It does this by covering losses before government coverage kicks in.
The Total Weather Insurance package covers drought throughout the growing season, excessive rainfall during planting, cold and wet weather throughout the growing season, heat stress during pollination, killing frost before harvest, harvest delays from frequent rains, as well as other perils.
Using online tools, growers can design a custom insurance plan for the crops they want to cover and the yield they desire — even if it exceeds the farm’s established average production. Unlike traditional crop insurance, which requires verification of crop yield, planting volume and inspections prior to damage payments, WeatherBill automatically pays when specified weather conditions occur as measured by independent sources, such as the National Weather Service. Premiums are not due until harvest.
For information and to find a crop insurance agent, visit
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