Farm Progress

UDI seeks members for its Board Mentor Program

Program focuses on uncovering new ideas and developing future dairy farmer leaders.

September 11, 2017

2 Min Read
APPLY NOW: Applications for the Board Mentor Program will be accepted on the Milk Means More website through Dec. 1.

It’s been said that leaders are developed, not born. With that in mind, the United Dairy Industry of Michigan board of directors launched a Board Mentor Program to develop and identify future dairy leaders, increase knowledge and understanding of UDIM programs, and spread the word about dairy promotion programs.

“UDIM’s work promoting dairy foods keeps milk, cheese and yogurt top-of-mind with consumers and builds confidence in dairy farmers’ on-farm practices,” says Jim Reid, UDIM president and a dairy farmer in Jeddo. “It’s important for the future of Michigan’s dairy community that we also attract new ideas and develop future dairy farmer leaders.”

The Board Mentor Program engages Michigan dairy farmers, who are not members of the UDIM board, by actively involving them in board meetings and dairy promotion programs, giving them better insight into the promotional activities and connections being made with consumers to drive dairy sales.

Current UDIM board members will be actively involved with the program through recruiting participants, and sharing organization and program information. Participants will be tasked with sharing this information with their peers and fellow dairy producers who have questions about the checkoff. Communications workshops will help participants fine-tune their skills by the end of the program.

Applications for the program will be accepted on the Milk Means More website through Dec. 1. Participants will be selected by a UDIM board committee by Jan. 15. Those selected must commit to:

• Attend two of the four UDIM board meetings between March and October of 2018. Dates will be provided when participants agree to the mentor program.

• Attend sessions before or after each board meeting on dairy promotion program updates, UDIM history, or leadership and communication development.

Participate in one of the following dairy promotion events to see how the programs connect to consumers:

Fuel Up to Play 60 Rally, Jump with Jill assembly, or other UDIM event.

For more information, call Jolene Griffin, director of industry relations, at 224-567-1894 or email [email protected]


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