Harry Cline

Harry Cline

Editor, Western Farm Press

Harry's 33-year journalism career covers both daily newspapers and agricultural magazines. He was Western Farm Press' first editor and has more than 25 years of experience covering all aspects of high value, irrigated Western agriculture. He is a former member of the California Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy executive council and recipient of the 1993 recipient California Agricultural Production Consultants Association's Outstanding Contribution to California Agriculture. Born 7-7-43, Jacksonville, Fla. Raised in Texas where he attended the University of Texas. Worked for newspapers in Texas and Arizona before moving to California in 1975 to begin career as Western agricultural journalist. Received awards for feature writing and headline writing from Arizona Press Club. Married: 2 children, three grandchildren. Lives in Fresno, Calif. Contact Cline at Western Farm Press, 7084 Cedar Avenue, No. 355, Fresno, CA 93720. Phone (559) 298-6070. Fax (913) 514-3641.

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