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7 ag stories you might have missed this week - Feb. 12, 2021

Germany may ban glyphosate, EPA releases latest figures on GHG emissions and African swine fever found in Hong Kong hogs.

Janet Kubat Willette, E-Content Editor

February 12, 2021

2 Min Read
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Need a quick catch up on the news? Here's some agricultural news you might have missed this week.

1. Agriculture accounted for 9.9% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2018, according to an analysis from the Environmental Protection Agency. Emissions increased from 2017 to 2018 by 3.1%. – Farm Futures

2. The German cabinet this week passed draft legislation that bans the use of glyphosate beginning in 2024. Farmers have criticized the planned law, which needs to be passed by both the upper and lower houses in the German government before it would take effect. – Financial Post

3. USDA’s February 2021 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report surprised markets – but not quite in the way everyone expected. Domestic corn and soybean supplies tightened on rising exports to China, but global corn and soybean production is forecast to reap strong yields despite dry global growing conditions. – Farm Futures

4. Farmers want to be partners in fighting climate change, but others are worried that President Biden will tighten environmental regulations. – The Wall Street Journal

5. Western Wisconsin continues to lead the nation in farm bankruptcies. Most of the farms filing for bankruptcy are smaller dairy farms that have borrowed too much since milk prices plummeted in 2015. – Wisconsin Public Radio

6. African swine fever has been found on a farm in northern Hong Kong. It's the first time the disease was discovered in locally raised hogs in Hong Kong. The disease has reached the Philippines island province of Masbate. The disease has mutated and Australia's chief vet says the new variant could have been established through the use of an illegal vaccine. There is no vaccine for African swine fever -  South China Morning News, Inquirer, ABC News

7. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed kinks in the food supply chain. The chain has evolved to extreme degrees of specialization, which makes it harder to adapt to sudden change. Some farmers are turning to local markets, expanding on-farm production facilities, improving their online stores and providing home delivery. – Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

And your bonus.

About 75 Holstein calves went out for a jog in Indiana. No injuries were reported to the cattle or human onlookers. – WTHR

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