Farm Progress

Wheat research proposal awarded

November 17, 2005

1 Min Read

ARS Awards Scientist for Wheat Gene Proposed research to decipher a gene leading to humankind's domestication of wheat has won the Agricultural Research Service's T.W. Edminster Research Associate Award for 2006. ARS plant geneticist Justin D. Faris won the award for his proposal to study the "super" Q gene.

In cultivated wheat, Triticum aestivum, the Q gene is something of a master switch that regulates many different traits, most notably the "naked" (hulless) grain characteristic. Born of a genetic mutation occurring 8,000 to 10,000 years ago, such grain significantly advanced the way in which early farmers threshed their wheat.

Faris's work was the top-ranked proposal for the 2006 ARS Postdoctoral Research Associate Program. The program enables postdocs to work closely with an experienced researcher in their field of interest, as well as conduct high-priority research on pressing agricultural issues.

Faris will receive $120,000 in funding for a two-year postdoc assignment to identify genes regulated by the Q gene in wheat. The assignment will also examine how the Q gene interacts with other genes at the molecular level. Such work will broaden science's understanding of the functional processes associated with wheat and set the stage for novel ways of improving its productivity, according to Faris, with ARS' Red River Valley Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, N.D.

ARS is the USDA's chief in-house scientific research agency.

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